Seller Situations, eBIDLOCAL Solutions!

What is Your Situation: Dealing with an Estate? Handling a Hoarder House? Moving, Downsizing, Decluttering? Selling, Closing, Relocating a Business? Considering Selling a Valuable Collection? Ready to Easily Sell Real Estate As-Is for Top Dollar, Commission-Free? Regardless of your particular situation, your assets deserve professional care and marketplace expertise! Let us customize a solution tailored to your needs. Accelerated Global Marketing + Open Competitive Bidding = Maximum Price Results! Contact Us Now.

DIY yard-tag-garage sales; not rocket science, but hard work!

Beware: Dealers, Collectors & Resellers profit every day from people's pricing mistakes, lack of marketing experience, & small audience turnouts. National Marketing + Competitive Bidding = Top Prices Paid!

For Executors, Administrators, POA's, Trustees, Heirs, Guardians

We take your fiduciary responsibility seriously, ensuring a properly promoted sale event, detailed accounting with an itemized report and prompt payment! Professional, Experienced, Licensed, Bonded & Insured!

Estate Sale Company estimated a $12k starting price tag sale. Hire them?

Sold: $32,235 Audience: 3,721 Visits: 135,083

Seller hired eBIDLOCAL instead; our national marketing & competitive bidding produced 2.5x above the initial tag price total that the Estate company was going to START items at (before the Estate Sale markdowns)! With competitive bidding, prices go UP, not DOWN!

Executor faced contentious family situation with squabling heirs! What to do?

Sold: $44,634 Bidders: 380 States: States

Executor engaged eBIDLOCAL; everything was cataloged, photographed, nationally marketed & sold! Family members (local & long distance) bid on anything personally important to them; all heirs got their fair share of each item’s true market value! Family problem equitably solved!

Living Estate needs to Market & Sell a Petroliana & Advertising Collection!

Sold: $84,800 Viewers: 2,938 Visits: 81,318

eBIDLOCAL created a Custom Marketing plan! Results? With worldwide reach & competitive bidding this sale topped $xxx,xxx; 20% of this Sale sold & shipped to Australia!

Property needs selling, may need work, but investing time / money is not an option?

Selling a property "As-Is" often nets a seller MORE money at the closing table, AND the Buyer pays all commissions! Learn more about the eBIDLOCAL real estate marketing & bidding process!

A Real Estate Broker knew Competitive Bidding would get top price!

Offers: 11 Sold: $349,250 Increase: 55%

They Co-Listed their Client with eBIDLOCAL! Together, our Accelerated Marketing and Online Competitive Bidding generated a 55% increase in the final contract purchase price over the disclosed starting bid reserve. The contract was “As-Is” (no contingencies), a 10% deposit (non-refundable), and the buyer paid the commissions!

This Real Estate Agent wanted to ensure their Client got top price!

Offers: 36 Sold: $375,650 Increase: 67%

By Co-Listing their Client with eBIDLOCAL, they still got their full Listing Commission, and our Accelerated Marketing & Competitive Bidding process ensured their Client got top market price, without any contingencies, and the Buyer paid the commissions! Together we went on to sell 3 more properties for this Client!

An Estate Attorney pondered how best to market Mom’s property?

Offers: 42 Sold: $442,750 Increase: 77%

Having seen our results with numerous client properties, he trusted his family’s property to eBIDLOCAL’s Accelerated Marketing & Competitive Bidding process to yield the best result in a hot market! Online bidding increased the final purchase contract price 77% over the disclosed starting bid reserve!

How best to market this Waterfront Property during high interest rates?

Offers: 36 Sold: $568,700 Increase: 52%

Accelerated Marketing & Competitive Bidding assured the highest & best offer from the marketplace! The property sold “As-Is*; all contingencies were eliminated, and the Buyer paid the commissions. The final contract purchase price rose 52% above the disclosed reserve starting bid! The Seller was very happy!

Hoarder Home needed to be sold “As-Is”! What’s It Worth?

Offers: 27 Sold: $660,000 Increase: 65%

Multiple Real Estate Agents suggested this house (in serious need of work) list in the $475k-$500k range, and expect offers below that price! Seller hired eBIDLOCAL instead! With Accelerated Marketing & Competitive Bidding, the Seller pocketed an extra $175,000, and the Buyer paid the Commissions!

Property needs work but investing time / money not an option?

Selling a property "As-Is" often nets a seller MORE money at the closing table, AND the Buyer pays all commissions! Learn more about the eBIDLOCAL real estate marketing process!

Ready to Retire? Going in a new business direction?

Your years of hard work, the inventory buildup and the equipment asset accumulation deserve a big payday! Our National Marketing + Competitive Bidding = Top Prices Paid for your Assets!

Should a collector / hobbyist handle my sale?

Collectors may have material knowledge, BUT they are not marketing professionals with 40 years experience! Your treasures deserve better! National Marketing + Competitive Bidding = Top Prices Paid.

Should I sell direct to a dealer / expert?

No matter how ethical a dealer / expert may be, selling direct to a dealer is letting the fox in the hen house! Their job is to buy low (from you) and sell high (to maximize their profit, at your expense)!

Jeweler offered Seller $30,000 for this ring. Best Offer??

Dealer: $30,000 eBID: $118,450 Diff: $88,450

Not even close! eBIDLOCAL Global Marketing & Competitive Bidding fetched $118,450 from a Buyer in Miami (an extra $88,450; almost 4x more)!

The Jewelry Store offered $1,500… Fair Price?

Dealer: $1,500 eBID: $7,163 Diff: 4x More

The Seller engaged instead, and through our Global Marketing & Competitive Bidding, made over 4x as much (over $7,000) for the same jewelry!

Appraiser offered Seller $27,930 for this Diamond. Acceptable Offer?

Dealer: $27,930 eBID: $55,775 Diff: $27,845

Seller trusted our Global Marketing to bring in more bidders & more money! Results? eBIDLOCAL generated $55,775, a difference of $27,845 more for the Seller!

Should this Seller take the $10,000 Trader Offer?

Trader: $10,000 eBID: $28,000 Diff: $18,000

This Bank Auditor hired eBIDLOCAL to sell the collection instead. Results? Our Nationally Marketed Sale Event netted the Seller over $28,000 after commission & expenses!

Estate Attorney considered the Jeweler offer of $5,480. Wise Decision?

Dealer: $5,480 eBID: $20,988 Diff: 2.3x More

This Attorney knew eBIDLOCAL reputation for selling high value items; eBIDLOCAL produced over $20,000 for this Necklace!

Should I Sell it myself, or have a DIY yard-tag-garage sale? It's not rocket science, but it is hard work and will I price everything right?

Beware: Dealers, Collectors & Resellers profit every day from Seller pricing mistakes, lack of marketing experience, & small audience turnouts. National Marketing + Competitive Bidding = Top Prices Paid!

Unsold Item in Yard Sale was priced at $10. Effective?

DIY: $0 eBID: $184 Diff: Skill

DIY Estate-Tag-Yard Sales produce small audiences, small results, lots of leftovers, and don’t accurately reflect Fair Market Value. eBIDLOCAL professional marketing produced $184 for this unsold item!

Chipped Vase; is this Trash or Treasure?

DIY: $0 eBID: $700 Diff: Viewers

eBIDLOCAL prevented the Seller from discarding this valuable item; our Globall Marketing & Competitive Bidding yielded $730 and a Very Happy Seller!

Seller imagined this to be a $5 yard sale item!

DIY: $5 eBID: $1,600 Diff: Auction

Fortunately they learned of eBIDLOCAL just in time; with Global Marketing & Competitive Bidding this item fetched $1600 in an Online Auction!

Seller knew a Military Collector who offered $30. Take it?

DIY: $30 eBID: $2,500 Diff: < 50%+

Absolutely Not! Seller hired eBIDLOCAL, and with Global Marketing & Competitive Bidding the item reached it’s full fair market value of $2,500

Is a DIY Estate-Tag-Yard Sale a smart way to sell?

DIY: $10,000 eBID: $15,654 Diff: < 50%+

Seller held a DIY Tag Sale, only got $10k for the best items, leaving over half the items unsold. Seller then found eBIDLOCAL; we sold all the rest, and generated over $15,000! Imagine the results if the Seller had called us first!

Walking into a hoarder home can be overwhelming!

The sheer volume of material can be daunting & even dangerous! What is trash? What is treasure? What do I do first? eBIDLOCAL helps ease numerous clients through this situation every year!

Packed Hoarder Home Donated to Charity who needed to convert to cash

Items: $858 Sold: $61,865 For: SPCA

eBIDLOCAL cleared it all out and converted it to $61,865 cash for benefit of the Richmond SPCA

Patriarch passed, Family needed 1,000’s of items sold! How to Handle?

Items: $3,345 Sold: $109,809 For: Estate

Family faced vacating a huge warehouse packed to the rafters with 1,000’s of collectibles & flea market material. Another Auction Co recommended eBIDLOCAL; we cataloged, photographed, marketed & sold everything, clearing the space, raising well over $100,000 for the family!

Executor overwhelmed by Hoarder Home! Use local Estate Sale company?

Items: $1,856 Sold: $314,391 For: Heirs

Collosal collection of Hot Wheels &Matchbox Diecast Cars, a classic Pontiac Convertible, plus mountains more material. The Executor engaged eBIDLOCAL to nationally market & sell everything, including the Real Estate! Results? Over $300,000 raised for the Heirs!

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